Gayatri Mantra Translation Word by Word Meaning in English

Gayatri Mantra, is considered to be the mother mantra of all mantras - the most powerful vedic mantra.

The practice of mantras is one of the essential tools in almost every ritual. Just look at the similarity of these two words; Tantra and Mantra, which contain the same ending "Tra", which means Liberation.

Today herein, we're going to learn about the Gayatri Mantra meaning in English. Though we all know the importance and power of the Gayatri Mantra, hence, we're going to share Gayatri Mantra meaning word by word as it is extremely important to understand every word of the Gayatri Mantra (Indian ancient mantra) to get full benefits of this divine mantra.

Gayatri Mantra Translation Word by Word Meaning in English

Gayatri Mantra Essence - Word by Word Meaning & Translations

According to the Vedas, there are seven kingdoms or spheres or planes of existence, each more spiritually advanced than the previous one.

It is written that through spiritual awareness and development, we can move progressively through these realms and, finally, merge with the Supreme Being.

Many tantric Buddhist teachings have also referred to these seven kingdoms. When singing this mantra, divine spiritual light and power are infused into each of our seven chakras and connect them with these seven great spiritual realms of existence.

Gayatri Mantra Meaning (Translation) in English

The meaning of the Gayatri mantra is as follows:
"We contemplate the glory of the light that illuminates the three worlds: dense, subtle and causal. I am that life-giving power, love, radiant enlightenment, and the divine grace of universal intelligence. We pray for that divine light to illuminate our minds."

ॐ भूर् भुवः स्वः।
तत् सवितुर्वरेण्यं।
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि।
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात्॥

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
oṃ tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt

Above we've mentioned the Gayatri Mantra lyrics in English for you to make it easy to read and speak. The best way to use the Gayatri Mantra is by chanting it silently in your head with 100% devotion and faith. It's really really one of the most powerful Indian ancient mantras.

As you've gone through the Gayatri Mantra lyrics English, now let's learn Gayatri Mantra meaning in English word by word. Please read the meaning very carefully and with dedication.

Gayatri Mantra (Word by Word) Meaning in English

Meaning of Individual Words of Gayatri Mantra:

ॐ - OM - The Primitive Sound
भूर् - BHUR - the physical world
भुवः - BHUVA - the mental world
स्वः - SVAHA - the celestial, the spiritual world
तत् - TAT - That, God; Transcendental Paramatma
सवितुर - SAVITUR - the Sun, the Creator, Preserver
वरेण्यं - VARENYAM - more adorable, lovely
भर्गो - BHARGO - shine, effulgence
देवस्य - DEVASYA - resplendent, supreme Lord
धीमहि - DEEMAHI - we meditate on
धियो यो - DHI YO - intelligence, understanding, Intellect
नः - NAH Nah: our
प्रचोदयात् - PRACHODAYAT - enlighten, guide, inspire

If we talk about Gayatri Mantra meaning in English word by word, then this is the meaning you've just read above. Now, there are many Gayatri Mantra English translations done by many saints, people and authors.

We would love to share a few with you which seem extremely useful and beneficial to us mentioning.

Also Read: How to Meditate at Work (1 Minute At Your Work Desk)

Gayatri Mantra Meaning in English [Other Translations]

Though the Gayatri Mantra can be translated in English in many ways, some are:

1. We meditate on the Spiritual Splendor of that supreme and Divine reality, source of the physical, astral and celestial spheres of existence. Allow that divine being supreme to illuminate our intellect, so that we can realize the supreme Truth.

2. Oh Divine Mother, our hearts are full of darkness, please move this darkness away from us and illuminate with the effulgence of Your grace our inner being.

3. We meditate on the glory of that Ishvara (God Almighty) who created the universe, who is just to worship, who is an embodiment of Knowledge and Light and who is the destroyer of all sins and ignorance. Hopefully he illuminates our intellects.

The Gayatri mantra is a universal prayer held as a relic in the Vedas, the oldest writings of man. It can be recited with devotion for one's own material or spiritual benefit, in any era and anywhere in the world.

Gayatri Mantra has immense power, can be sung at any time and at any place, and redeems whoever sings it.

It is directly addressed to our Divine Mother, love and reverence for the mantra and faith in the results - promises are much more important than mere mechanical repetition while the mind wanders in other subjects.

Till now, we've shared and you've gone through Gayatri Mantra meaning in English, Gayatri Mantra meaning word by word as well as Gayatri Mantra translation in English. Now, let's learn and understand a little about the major benefits of the Gayatri Mantra.

Benefits of Tuning the Gayatri Mantra

  • It sharpens the power to acquire knowledge
  • Relieve diseases
  • Avoid all the miseries
  • Fulfill all wishes
  • It protects us from all danger
  • Provides mental satisfaction
  • Ensures a bright and auspicious future
  • It provides you with inexhaustible strength to overcome all obstacles
  • Free from the wheel of birth and death
  • Cleans the mind
  • It is the key that opens the door of cosmic consciousness
  • It confers wisdom, prosperity, purity and liberation
  • Removes all fear
  • Destroys karma

How should you chant the Gayatri Mantra?

There is a method, a technique, a way of chanting the gayatri mantra. Whenever you chant the gayatri mantra, you should always do it with a garland of rudraksha.

At least this mantra should be chanted surely on the 7th day if possible (though we must try to chant the gayatri mantra daily).

Chanting the gayatri mantra early in the morning gives peace of mind. Use a garland of basil or sandalwood.

In the brahma muhurta i.e. in the morning (between 3 AM & 6 AM), chant the gayatri mantra facing towards the east direction and in the evening, face in the west direction and chant it.

The mental chanting of this mantra can be done at any time.

Once you understand the Gayatri Mantra meaning in English (word by word), the next step is to chant the Gayatri Mantra to reap the benefits of the mantra and to invoke the divine energy to bless you.

Knowing the Gayatri Mantra Meaning makes it easy for you to chant the mantra by understand each and every single word and focusing on the same with full concentration.

What does science say about the Gayatri Mantra?

Gayatri mantra keeps sin away from you. Gayatri mantra is considered to be the most sacred mantra.

It is believed that the essence of all the 4 vedas is contained in this one gayatri mantra. According to the scriptures, this mantra is the best mantra of the vedas. Gayatri mantra begins with the word "OM".

The pronunciation of the word OM creates tremors in your lips, tongue, palate, back of the throat and scalp.

It is believed that due to the release of hormones, the mind remains calm. The pronunciation of gayatri mantra causes the discharge of hormones from the hypothalamus gland due to the vibrations in the tongue, lips, vocal cords and brain.

Due to the secretion of this hormone, the hormones that keep a person happy come out of the body. These hormones maintain the ability of humans to fight physical disorders.

During the chanting of mantras, you have to take long breaths which strengthen your breathing power, it not only strengthens your lungs but also keeps your blood circulation good by breathing.

The chanting of mantras as well as vibrations that occur in different parts of the body, keep the blood circulation in the brain under control. The pronunciation of this mantra helps to establish a better synergy between the nerves present in the mind and body.

Benefits of Gayatri Mantra

The gayatri mantra is composed of a total of 24 letters. These 24 letters are considered to be the remembrance seed of the gods and goddesses. These 24 letters are also said to be the basis of knowledge of the scriptures and vedas.

Gayatri mantra originated from his four mouths in the form of Vedas by Lord Brahma Ji. it is believed that this gayatri mantra was earlier only for the gods and goddesses. Maharishi Vishwamitra was the author of this mantra.
  • The chanting of gayatri mantra keeps the brain under control.
  • There is no anger and you do not lose patience so easily.
  • Problems like unable to concentrate or focus on anything - are also removed by the pronunciation of this mantra.
  • Chanting of gayatri mantra keeps the mind calm.
  • Every kind of obstacle is removed.
  • Children feel like studying.
  • There is a great glow on the face.
  • No disease of any kind will bother you.
  • A person who chants this mantra never does anything wrong.
  • The chanting of gayatri mantra calms the body and mind.
  • The memory power increases and you're able to memorize things easily & quickly.
  • By uttering the gayatri mantra, problems like anger, jealousy, anger are removed.
  • By chanting this mantra you get rid of mental stress instantly.
  • Your destiny also changes.
  • You stay away from negative power and negative vibes of any kind.
  • Spiritual power develops.
  • Its pronunciation develops the intellect.
  • This mantra will always bring positive thoughts and positive people around you.
  • There is freedom from diseases of the kind.
  • It also removes your child's problem.
  • Regular chanting of the gayatri mantra brings glow on the face and removes skin disease (if any) and improves your eyesight (remove eye glasses).

The Correct Way of Chanting Gayatri Mantra

In the morning, wear washed, clean clothes after taking bath and chant gayatri mantra. Chant in a secluded and quiet place. Gayatri mantra should not be chanted on a leather asana, it should be chanted sitting on woolen and silky asanas.

The gayatri mantra should be chanted 108 times in the morning when you sit for the puja (morning prayer). Always when you go out of the house for the first time should pronounce it for prosperity, success, accomplishment and higher life.

It should be pronounced during the entry into the temple. It should always be pronounced at least 7 times before going to bed at night.

Gayatri mantra is a source of welfare for all. Gayatri mantra is a mantra that is also worshipped by god himself. It is therefore impossible to describe its properties and benefits. Chanting of this mantra purifies the heart and gives you limitless happiness and satisfaction.

What is the best time to chant Gayatri Mantra?

Though there's no best time to chant Gayatri Mantra. This mantra is so divine that one can chant / recite / listen to it at any time of the day. However, if this mantra is chanted anytime between 3 AM & 6 AM, then the powers of this mantra can't be explained in words. Words literally fail to express the limitless divine powers this mantra will gift you, if chanted between 3 AM & 6 AM.

Can we chant Gayatri Mantra at night?

Indeed, we surely can chant Gayatri Mantra at night. In fact, many people in Hindu culture prefer to chant it right before going off to sleep (before going to bed) for a peaceful and blessed sound sleep. Those who suffer from insomnia, have fear of something, stress, anxiety or have trouble to sleep properly, are advised to chant the Gayatri Mantra at night, right before bedtime.

When and how many times Gayatri Mantra should be chanted?

The Gayatri Mantra should be chanted twice a day (minimum / at least) - between 3 AM & 6 AM and 5 PM & 8 PM. And though it must be chanted as much as one possibly can, as many times as possible. However, if one needs to know a number then the Gayatri Mantra must be chanted at least 108 times.

What happens if we chant Gayatri Mantra everyday?

If you chant the Gayatri Mantra everyday then it will slowly and gradually open and activate all your chakras of the body. Also, this mantra has the power to awaken and enlighten you. It will give you peace of mind, will also improve your physical, mental and emotional health. Happiness, Joy and Bliss are the very first steps this mantra will gift you. It can fulfill all your wishes, needs and desires. It protects you from danger / evil activities. It removes all fear, cleans the mind & destroys karma.

Can we chant mantra 11 times?

We indeed can chant mantra 11 times. Though the mantra chanting must be done 108 times; that's the number of beads in a Mala / Rosary. However, if chanting 108 times is not possible for some reason, then you can surely chant mantra 11 times - it is also auspicious.

Should Gayatri Mantra be chanted aloud or silently?

Though the mantra chanting must be done silently, because, chanting a mantra silently keeps the vibrations within that are generated / pulled by the mantra chanting. However, it completely depends on your comfortability. If you're because of some reason, unable to chant silently in your head then you may chant it aloud. In any which ways, you're surely going to get the blessings.

Can Gayatri mantra remove sins?

According to the Vedas & Puranas, it is said that one who chants Gayatri Mantra on a regular basis, the mantra dissolves the sins of the devotee / bhakt. Sincerity and devotion is all that's required to remove your sins with the help of the Gayatri Mantra.

Does Gayatri Mantra fulfill all wishes?

With the grace of Lord Shiva, all your wishes will surely be fulfilled by the Gayatri Mantra. The Gayatri Mantra is considered to be one of the most powerful mantras. It gives you peace of mind and this mantra has the power to please the Lord instantly (in very short time). It has the power & potential to fulfill all your wishes very quickly, easily and effortlessly.
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  1. Heartiest Obeisances!
    Comprehending the inherent meaning of the Gayatri Mantra, let the utterance of this divine mantra come out from the very depths of of our hearts.

    1. Pranam
      Indeed. So true.
      This is the Mantra for awakening and enlightenment. Indeed it must come out from the bottom, core of your honest & true hearts.
      Thanks for your kind comment.
      Stay Blessed...

  2. Hello, good day, I just wanna ask if it is okay to chant it with it's English translation? and what translation among the things you have mentioned can I use? Thanks a lot and God bless.

    1. Hey please accept my sincere apologies for replying late.
      Now, I must tell you that there are a number of ways of using the Gayatri Mantra. If you wanna use the mantra as a prayer, as an offering to the Lord for awakening or you wanna reach your higher self then you must know the in-depth meaning of it.
      However, if you wanna meditate on it, then meaning is NOT AT ALL required. You just need to sit, play the mantra and meditate on the vibrations and the sound (if you don't know / understand the lyrics of the Gayatri Mantra).
      Also, I would like to give a suggestion here that if you wanna meditate then I would recommend you to sit daily at 3 AM sharp for your Meditation, play the mantra (it's there in the blog post) and meditate on the sound / vibrations of the mantra for at least 25 (minimum 25 minutes) daily.
      And I guarantee you that your life will be changed for good within 30-40 days. Also, please don't do this for short term or for a limited period of time. Rather try to make it a lifetime practice if you're looking for spiritual growth as well as if you want some materialistic things.


      Thanks a lot for your kind comment & Stay Blessed ...

  3. I have been using Gayatri mantra over 50 years whenever I needed to take my mind off worldly matter chattering. It has enhanced my life in all matters and dimensions.

    1. That's really amazing to know.
      Indeed The Gayatri Mantra has the Powers. It can truly do wonders we can't even imagine.
      Thanks & Stay Blessed

  4. A concise explaination of the invaluable Gayatri Mantra.
    The chanting of the Gayatri Mantra, keeping it's meaning in mind,increases the Sattivic element in the mind of the aspirant, thereby annihilating worldly desires slowly and planting instead a desire for the divine.
    Leads to immense benefits if done with due devotion.

    1. Indeed. So true and beautifully said.
      We all must have a desire for the divine (ONLY). And devotion, faith, love - is the ultimate key to free oneself from this cycle of birth and death (to be liberated).
      Thanks & Stay Blessed

  5. The one that is a good person to be a blessing to you and your family are doing well and I hope you have a great day and I hope you have a great day.

    1. Thank you & you too have a Blessed day ahead...
      Thanks & Stay Blessed

  6. God Is Love And Light Of Life 💗. The Truth Is That The Source Of Light And All Life On Earth Is The Invisible Force And Energy Of The Sun ☀️ Our God / Goddess , Who Is Universal Divine Mother Love .
    Proof.1). The Sun Temple Konark Orissa India .
    2). The Ancient Vedic Surya Gayatri Mantra Of India .
    3). In Japan REIKI Stands For Universal Life Force Energy And The Source Of This Invisible Force And Energy Is The Sun 🌻 Our God / Goddess .

    Surya Namaskar .
    Amen .
    Subhan Allah .
    Namaste .

  7. God Is Love And Light Of Life . The Truth Is That The Source Of Light And All Life On Earth Is The Invisible Force And Energy Of The Sun Our God .
    Proof: 1). The Sun Temple Konark Orissa India .
    2). The Ancient Vedic Surya Gayatri Mantra Of India .
    3). In Japan REIKI Means Universal Life Force Energy And The Source Of This Invisible Force And Energy Is The Sun Our God / Goddess .

    Surya Namaskar .
    Amen .
    Subhan Allah .
    Namaste .


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