How to Open Root Chakra Fast? - Balance, Meditation, Yoga, Mantra

Herein, we are going to talk about today 2 Techniques and 5 Postures: How to Open Root Chakra Fast? - Balance, Meditation, Yoga, Mantra

  • Is your shopping cupboard overflowing?
  • You go to buy a lemon and you come back with what it takes to feed 6 regiments of yogis?
  • Do you tend to accumulate material goods? (just in case)
  • Do you feel unstable, constantly on the move?

So why not work your Root Chakra, the one called Muladhara Chakra?

The Root Chakra / Muladhara Chakra

Muladhara is made up of two Sanskrit names: Mula (root or foundation) and Adhara (support). Muladhara is therefore “what supports rooting”.

Physically, the Root chakra corresponds to the elimination organs (colon, kidneys, bladder) at the base of the spine (which “supports”) and at the pelvis. The Root chakra governs your survival instinct and your ability to function on the physical plane by ensuring your basic needs: eat your fill, quench your thirst, sleep all your drunk.

How do I know if my Root Chakra is opened, balanced or blocked?

An imbalance in the Root chakra can result physically in constipation concerns: Muladhara is indeed linked to the capacity of excretion, to the faculty of eliminating what is no longer necessary for you. Lower back pain, leg or foot problems can also be signs of imbalance.

Emotionally, the imbalance results in a fear of lack, which leads to making reservations (too much!), to accumulating provisions and material goods. Eating disorders may also be linked to an imbalance in Muladhara.

Conversely, when the Root chakra is opened / balanced, you feel anchored and centered, even if the circumstances are destabilizing. You have the feeling of having enough, of having what is necessary to meet your physical and emotional needs: you have the feeling of being safe and “in your place”.

The Root chakra is the first chakra, the one that serves as a base for all the others: when Muladhara is balanced, it forms a solid base for the balance and development of the chakras that are superior to it.

How to Open Root Chakra Fast?

Technique 1: The Easiest way:
  • Meditate on a red color mat,
  • Walk barefoot outside and feel the contact with the earth,
  • Eat root vegetables,
  • Wear Jasper around your neck,
  • Listen, Speak or Recite the LAM (Root / Muladhara Mantra)
The most easiest way: Yes, that's how you open the root chakra fast and end up balancing it with less amount of efforts. Now, there's another technique that a lot of people use to open the root chakra especially who are fitness freak or do yoga daily. So, I'm going to mention the another technique below:

Technique 2: The Root chakra will be harmonized by practicing the Postures:

- Standing Postures, which strengthen the leg muscles (what better than the Tree posture to take care of our roots!);

- Squatting Postures, which soften the ankles and bring the tailbone closer to the Earth;

- Postures for stretching and relaxing the lower back, such as the Dog hanging upside down or the Clamp sitting.

Here are some postures to practice when you feel a little unstable, lacking anchor. To be practiced after you have warmed up and relaxed with a series of sun salutations, during which you will linger upside down.

Here's the Music to Raise Your Vibration, Elevate Frequency, Manifest Miracles that will help you to gain Positive Energy - So, play it and read along:

Also Listen to:

1. Utkatasana, the Chair posture (or powerful posture)

How to Open Root Chakra Fast? - Balance, Meditation, Yoga, Mantra

Also called powerful posture, Utkatasana allows in particular to strengthen the ankles and the leg muscles, while working the anchoring to the ground.

Starting from the posture of the Mountain, inhale by raising your arms, palms facing each other; exhale by bending your knees.

In the final posture, the thighs are almost parallel to the ground, the lower back is long (watch out for the arch in the lumbar region), and the torso forms a right angle with the thighs.

Maintain the posture for 30 to 60 seconds. To get out of the posture, stretch your legs for inspiration, relax your arms at exhalation.

2. Malasana, the Garland posture

How to Open Root Chakra Fast? - Balance, Meditation, Yoga, Mantra

This posture strengthens the ankles and lower back, softens the hips. By approaching the tailbone of the earth.

Malasana particularly energizes the Root chakra fast. The feet apart with width of carpet, toes pointing outwards, squat at the expiration. Join the hands to the chest, the pressure of the arms encouraging the opening of the hips.

If your heels are not touching the ground, place them on a rolled blanket.

3. The posture on the toes

How to Open Root Chakra Fast? - Balance, Meditation, Yoga, Mantra

Concentration and balance posture, this posture restores the flexibility of the feet, increases the mobility of the toes and strengthens the muscles of the ankles and calves.

In a few words, it takes care of your roots! The key to maintaining balance: fix a point on the ground, do not look away.

4. Apanasana, the posture of Apana

How to Open Root Chakra Fast? - Balance, Meditation, Yoga, Mantra

Apanasana is the posture of Apana; Apana is the vayu of elimination. Apana, when balanced, provides a feeling of anchoring: it is closely linked to the Root chakra.

Indeed, Apana is particularly active in the pelvis and lower abdomen, due to its waste elimination function. This waste is as much physical (the residues of digestion) as mental or emotional (negative experiences and destructive emotions).

During a session, Apanasana requires little or no preparation, and it is a counter-posture of choice to rebalance the body after certain asanas. It can be done with the arms behind the knees in case of sensitive knees.

5. Paschimottanasana, the Pince posture

How to Open Root Chakra Fast? - Balance, Meditation, Yoga, Mantra

Sit legs outstretched, breathe in raising your arms, extend your spine upwards. As you exhale, gently begin to flex the trunk, initiating flexion from the hips. The belly remains as it is for as long as possible.

During inspiration, try to visualize the energy path from the heels to the Root chakra, at the base of the column. As you exhale, visualize energy flowing from Muladhara at the point between your eyebrows or there is the 3rd eye. Your inspiration and expiration form an energy circle, an infinite circuit. No coincidence, what comes from the earth returns to the earth.

The day is full of opportunities to revitalize an unbalanced Root chakra. It's up to you to find the one you like!

If you've read this article on how to open root chakra fast then you must choose, select one of the ways mentioned above and start working on your root chakra now to open it. Listen to the music, meditate or do yoga - the choice is all yours. Thanks and stay blessed always.

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